Fulfill your desires to give back to the community. Donate Now and get the blessings of Durga Devi in abundance.
Our projects see no religion, caste, creed, gender or any man made biases, since all are children of the divine Goddess.
Sacred Food Offering
Annadhaanam – This is an ongoing program since 2017, by means of which food is offered to the needy, at least once every year at various temple premises.
Click image for more pictures and videos
Medical Funding
This is an on demand activity where we collect funds for emergency operations and medical needs, for known persons.
If you know of any deserving candidate, who is genuinely in need of help, please reach out to us. We will try our best to raise donations to help out. Check out our past projects.
Education Sponsorship
We donated a sum of ₹ 37,000/- for a deserving student of Don Bosco Central School Angamaly, to pay off his school arrears in time, so that he may be promoted to the next class.
2017 -2022
Sacred Food Offering
In 2022 we served food to the needy at 5 temple premises across Tamil Nadu to the tune of ₹ 13,000/-
COVID Relief Campaign
We completed our first relief campaign during the times of rampant COVID inflictions across the country. We donated food (grains, pulses, oil, masala, onions, etc.), soaps and masks amounting to a combined value of ₹ 68,200/- to 120 Adivasi families of Burdawadi of Pen in Raighad District, Maharashtra in the month of May 2021. Click image for more pictures and videos.
Education Sponsorship
We donated a sum of ₹ 40,000/- distributed to 5 deserving past students of Vallathol College, Edapal, Kerala, to complete varying levels of spoken English classes.
We donated a sum of ₹ 25,000/- distributed to 2 deserving 12th grade students pursuing the Science stream at Kerala Vidyalayam, Chennai towards their school fees.
We donated a sum of ₹ 5,000/- for a deserving student in Mumbai, to pursue her violin classes.
Medical Funding
In January 2022, we were able to make a small contribution of ₹ 15,000/- to a known family in Chennai, in need of funds for a brain surgery.
In June of 2022, we donated a sum of ₹ 40,000/- to a single mom in Mumbai, towards medical and food expenses in her trying times of battling cancer.
Renovation & Maintenance
For the upkeep the pristine divine premises, some additions and renovations were recently made in the year 2021. These include construction of Nadapura (sheltered front path), renovation of the temple pond, and renovation of the kitchen area. Click image for more pictures and videos.
Create a self funding corpus fund for smooth operation of the temple.
- Build protective railings around the pond for safety and install relevant warning signs.
- Build a dining area to eventually perform Annadhanam on a regular basis at the premises.
- Build rest rooms for devotees.
- Clear wild grass surrounding the temple and convert it to better landscape: a). A small resting spot with benches; b). A vegetable/fruit garden/flower/butterfly garden (based on feasibility)
Service Project(s)
Expand service to mankind by constantly identifying deserving individuals/groups, increasing our donor base, with an aim to reduce if not eradicate human suffering to the best of our ability.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.